Attendees went through the list of ideas that had emerged from the initial Design Thinking workshop and through the Biomimicry Challenge to Biology Ideation and voted upon through the WhatsApp poll in the prototyping session.
Participants assessed the ideas that emerged from the initial Design Thinking workshop and through the Biomimicry Challenge to Biology Ideation. These ideas were distributed to the wider community network via a WhatsApp poll, and then revisited in the prototyping workshop.
“Clinics to communicate health care info and appointments directly to patients, which could also be linked to emergency services.”
“A Crime-watch app, where community members submit geo-tagged information. Signals are sent to stakeholders including community groups, businesses as well as first responders.”
“Reporting of municipal service delivery issues such as water pipe leaks.”
We want to develop an App that performs multiple functions such as monitoring and reporting:
The objective of the App is to improve:
key stakeholders:
Community Assets:
The low fidelity prototype app was launched at the Industrial Entrepreneur Week Conference hosted by Kathabo Media and delegates were invited to review the application and test functionality. A raffle with a prize draw was incentive for people to test the application. Feedback forms were provided to gather data about how the application could be improved.