Botshabelo Prototyping Selection

YOUTH INNOVATION & LEARNING HUB: Youth-focused Innovation Hub/Community Centre/Internet café that facilitates online learning and trading for SMEs

LOCAL DIGITAL MARKETPLACE: Community-based digital marketplace for local produce and services 

SCHOLAR LOCATION & TRANSPORT APP:   An App that informs the school, scholar transport services and parents about location of pupils when being transported between homes and schools

CLINIC HEALTH CARE APP: An App for Clinics to communicate health care info and appointments directly to patients, which could also be linked to emergency services

DRONES FOR FARMING & MEDICAL SERVICES: Use of drones for farming applications as well as medical deliveries

CRIME WATCH APP: A crime-watch type App where community members can submit geo-tagged information about crime. Signals would be sent to various community stakeholders including police, businesses and medical services


RECYCLING CONNECTION HUB: A recycling App that connects ‘waste' to producers, collectors and recyclers

MOBILE INTERNET KIOSKS: Mobile internet kiosks that can service areas outside the coverage of the fixed network

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