INDIGENOUS TREE PLANTING: Planting indigenous trees, fruit trees and medicinal plants in rows alongside commercial timber to create increased food security and income opportunities while also improving biodiversity
TIMBER WASTE RECYCLING: Use timber production waste as a resource for building community housing whilst also creating job opportunities
YOUTH ITC UPSKILLING: Identify youth ambassadors to acquire needed skills such as ITC that are not available within the community and create opportunities for them to use and share those skills upon their return
MICRO POWER GENERATOR: Using micro hydro power generators to generate electricity without damning of the rivers and negatively affecting marine life
SOLID WASTE RECYCLING: Solid waste recycling facility that processes waste into energy and organic waste to gas (without heat) as well creating products from recycled materials
ECO-MACHINE WATER PURIFICATION: Treatment of domestic wastewater using on site Eco-machines for water purification without the use of chemicals
COMMUNITY CULTURAL EVENTS: Promote Mpophomeni community cohesion by establishing cultural community events that celebrate diversity through music, dance, poetry, dress, food
COMMUNITY FORUMS: Create forums that benefit the entire community such as planning sessions, notice boards, community policing forums and community art installations that represent the aspirations of the community
LOCAL PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT: Increase the value of local products to develop skills and create job opportunities. E.g., turning dairy milk into cheese, yoghurt, flavoured milk and dips
MPOPHOMENI SUPER GLUE: Create business and job opportunities by developing an Mpophomeni Super Glue by mimicking the sticking/adhesion properties of the aquatic plants growing in the fast moving waters of Mpophomeni