BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT PLATFORM: A digital platform where the community, government departments and business can input their developmental priorities
DIGITAL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES PLATFORM: A digital platform where business opportunities are listed and those who want to start a business can receive guidance and share skills and knowledge by pairing them with larger companies
YOUTH INNOVATIONS SKILLS HUB: Establish innovation hubs where the youth can acquire various creative skills such as coding, website design or music production
DIGITAL VALUE CHAIN PLATFORM: A digital platform which shows the value chain in Mdantsane in order to leverage it and create better network benefits
UNIVERSITY & COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP: A university partnership programme to drive community development
DISTRIBUTED RESOURCE CENTRES: Develop distributed resource centres where the community can ‘lease’ items they do not own such as tools for upgrading or renovating their houses
RECYCLING CONNECTION HUB: A recycling App that connects ‘waste' to producers, collectors and recyclers
SMALL BUSINESS SPACES CENTRE: Making unused spaces in the community available to small businesses and youth development organisations at low cost
CRIME WATCH GEO-TAGGING APP: A crime-watch type App where community members can submit geo-tagged information about crime. Signals would be sent to various community stakeholders including police, businesses and medical services
BUSINESS LOCATION MAPPING LISTING: Location mapping and verification of Mdantsane businesses to enable easy and safe access to products and services